A 100-meter mural in the emergency housing area and more than 150 people involved, including children, volunteers, and friends of ABF that came from neighboring towns, as well as further afield, and a lot of color for a project of art and solidarity for the entire community.
Muccia, July 18, 2021 – A moment to come together and share, a moment in which we could once again join hands, this time in applause, to celebrate the end of the ABF Open Lab project entitled “The Journey”. In just four days, at a pace that could put major construction sites to shame, the team led by Max Frieder and made up of children, volunteers, friends of ABF, and people from the community who came to help, completed the mural that spans over 100 meters. Mission accomplished and beyond even our most optimistic expectations.
“We were confident that the children’s enthusiasm and Max’s ability to transmit his positive energy to them would help and spur them on, both creatively and in terms of participation” – said Laura Biancalani, ABF President – “And that is exactly what happened. Today, seeing this completed mural renews that feeling of belonging and community that we created with Muccia a few years ago and which gives this town a special place in our hearts.”
“I am truly blown away by how everyone has worked on this project” – said Max Frieder, Artolution co-founder – “The children worked together, exchanged ideas and helped. This is crucial and is the magic of art. Art that can be an element of revolution, solution and action, for ourselves and others.”
The journey starts with the children, with the little artists who helped create the first sketches that Max Frieder transformed into the project that was to be split into 6 stories, 6 paintings that recount the various types of journeys made up of color and emotion, as well as empowerment.
From New York, two weeks before, Max Frieder met the children of Muccia in an online meeting, which also saw the participation of children from Bidi Bidi, one of the largest refugee camps in Uganda, because the idea is that this wall represents a mirror, a window to Bidi Bidi and from Bidi Bidi towards Muccia, because the mural made in Uganda will share the same subject.
“Muccia welcomes this project and this mural” – said Mayor Mario Baroni – “as a sign of continuity, advancing our journey along the path taken with the Andrea Bocelli Foundation some time ago. Thanks to them, our children, as well as the entire community, will continue to react with confidence and enthusiasm to build a fruitful tomorrow focused on development.”
The support of companies that are friends of ABF, such as Kerakoll and Chopard, has been vital.