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ABF took part for the first time, attesting to its commitment in the field of educational innovation and public-private collaboration.

Our CEO, Laura Biancalani, and Deputce Director, Silvia Gualdani, participated in the program alongside eminent national and international panelists.

Trento, May 23-26, 2024 – the Andrea Bocelli Foundation Ente Filantropico was present at the 19th edition of the Trento Festival of Economics, entitled “QUO VADIS? The dilemmas of our time,” scheduled from May 23 to 26, 2024, and organized by the 24 ORE Group in collaboration with Trentino Marketing on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Trento, and the University of Trento. 

5 Nobel Prize winners were expected to attend the event, including the economist Muhammad Yunus, a member of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s Advisory Board, and numerous prominent figures from the academic and diplomatic fields, both nationally and internationally. The Foundation participated in the Festival by contributing to two panels on issues that are particularly near and dear to ABF: public-private collaboration and education in the pediatric field. 

The first of the two events was held on Thursday, May 23, at 4:30 pm, in the Sala di Rappresentanza of Palazzo Geremia, with the “Third sector: collaboration between public and private sector as a driver for growth” panel, during which ABF CEO, Laura Biancalani, spoke about the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s experience in establishing dialog between non-profit organizations and institutions, offering an innovative perspective for the future of the third sector. 

On Friday, May 24, during the meeting scheduled for 12:00 pm in the Sala degli Arazzi of the Tridentine Diocesan Museum, the proposed issue was “Beauty that does good. Music and games as treatment: Andrea Bocelli Foundation and its experience at the Meyer Children’s Hospital”. In this space, ABF Deputy Director, Silvia Gualdani, together with the Scientific Director of the LudoBiblio Foundation at the Meyer Children’s Hospital, Manuela Trinci, spoke about the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s project at the Meyer Hospital, with the construction of the ABF “Maria Manetti Shrem” Educational Center, and the positive impact that the collaboration between the two Foundations has had on the educational activities for the young patients. 

Through these two panels, ABF wished to share its expertise and experience that spans more than 10 years within an extremely relevant context for economics and institutions, namely that of the Festival of Economics. The vision that the Andrea Bocelli Foundation wished to present for the first time in Trento regards encouraging constructive dialog and shedding light on the issues that are emerging with increasing frequency, before which we must work responsibly and consciously.