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ABF is inviting you to join forces to meet the basic needs related to the humanitarian crisis, but also with a view to rebuilding a future filled with opportunities and hope.

“ABF: With You, To Shape A Future Of Peace”. This is the fundraising campaign that has been launched on GoFundMe that will be active until Monday, March 28, 2022, to raise funds to provide medical aid and basic necessities for all those people who have left their homes in search of safe places and assistance. First fundraising goal: 50,000 Euro, to support our partner the UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is on the front lines in managing the emergency. To donate:

“Peace – says ABF President Laura Biancalani – is often something we take for granted, which many of us experience as a normal condition of our daily lives. That is why, in a society that is increasingly global, increasingly sensitive to values such as inclusion and equality, the tragedy that the Ukrainian people are experiencing strikes us and hurts us so deeply”. “They are us, every one of us. That is why we have decided once again to answer that silent call for help that comes through the images that now fill our screens. To extend a hand, of help, of hope”, adds Biancalani, announcing that the Bocelli Foundation will contribute directly to the fundraiser by doubling the first 10,000 euros of donations received.

In keeping with our mission of Empowering people and communities, this ABF project is supporting the work of the UNHCR in Ukraine to provide humanitarian coordination, which is crucial to ensure a consistent and effective response to emergencies, to help the Ukrainian authorities establish reception centers and provide support with registering and identifying people in vulnerable circumstances, to distribute kits of basic necessities – items such as blankets and water canteens – to IDPs and allow the most vulnerable displaced families to receive direct economic aid to meet their basic expenses.

In addition to the above, the aid will also help to expand the provision of legal aid and psychosocial support and provide support in neighboring countries for emergency housing where required and work with local authorities to set up temporary accommodation and/or transit facilities, and expand its activities to monitor vulnerable conditions and protection needs.

“Now more than ever  – concludes Biancalani – we must join forces and unite them to respond to the basic needs related to the emergency, yet with a view to rebuilding a future of opportunity and hope”.

At this time ABF is working to provide its network, expertise and facilities in order to be ready to respond to any hosting needs. Proximity, hospitality, all expressed in the gesture of reaching out a hand to a neighbor in difficulty, to allow them to get back up again in the spirit of solidarity and renewed trust.