The work on the 100-meter mural in the emergency housing area got underway today and the children from the community were present with ABF’s Veronica Berti and Laura Biancalani.
Mayor Mario Baroni: “Let’s bring color to Muccia with art and solidarity.”
Muccia, July 14, 2021 – The Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s work and presence in the town of Muccia continues with a summer filled with initiatives and educational gatherings, not only for young people, but the entire community.
“ABF Open Lab” – which is part of the 3rd edition of the ABF Summer Camp – is one such project: the creation of a mural spanning over 100 meters created in the area where the emergency housing is located. Colors, art, dialog and culture, this is “the Journey” – the title of the project – that will be conveyed in the images of this artistic project.
This journey starts with children, with the little artists, who – with ideas, creative prompts and imagination – have helped to create the first sketches that Max Frieder, the co-founder of Artolution who has come directly from New York, has transformed into the project that is to be created. “A project in the making” – specified Max – “because it is my hope that everyone, truly everyone, can come and add their creative contribution. It will be a journey made up of faces, stories and connecting elements. It will represent a gift to the community made by the citizens of tomorrow, the children who are here with me today.”
“Dostoevsky said that art will save the world” – stated Veronica Berti, ABF Vice-President, in attendance on the morning the works were started – “And we believe that. From the spaces inside the school, to the spaces that surround it and the entire community, we hope that our projects may help to inspire the talent of today and tomorrow in their growth and development.”
“Collaborations, dialog, intersections” – Laura Biancalani, ABF President – “This project is the result of a meeting that took place two years ago in Paris, during the UNESCO general conference. We met Max Frieder and learned about the work he was bringing to refugee camps and to the most disadvantaged places in the world, and it’s from there that our shared journey began, which takes tangible shape here today in Muccia.”
From New York, two weeks ago, Max Frieder met the children of Muccia in an online meeting, which also saw the participation of children from Bidi Bidi, one of the largest refugee camps in Uganda.” “Because we want to build an imaginary bridge, a connection between these two groups” – said Max – “Think of this wall like a mirror in which the children of Muccia and those of Bidi Bidi will create a unique, choral reflection. Art can be an element of revolution, solution and action, for ourselves and others.”
“We are once again honored and overjoyed that the Andrea Bocelli Foundation has chosen Muccia for this project” – said Mayor Mario Baroni – “We need to continue to dream, create and regenerate confidence and enthusiasm, especially in our youngest citizens.”
As a testament to the bonds and the quality of the relationships that ABF works hard to create, on the day the Mayor of Sarnano, Luca Piergentili, and Nicola Salini from the technical secretariat of the Commissioner for Reconstruction for the 2016 earthquake, were in attendance.
From today until July 17, Max and the children from Muccia and its surroundings areas, as well as anyone who wishes to be present, even just with a greeting on behalf of the territory, will be engaged every day in creating this journey made up of color, emotion and enhancement.
For information on the initiative: