Give homeless people free basic services to take care of themselves with dignity. Reduce the degree of transmission of diseases caused by poor hygiene but especially give to those who live on the street the possibility to take care of themselves.

Number of homeless in Rome
Average Number of daily services
Number of services per month
Number of opening hours
Number of opening days
Give homeless people free basic services to take care of themselves with dignity. Reduce the degree of transmission of diseases caused by poor hygiene but especially give to those who live on the street the possibility to take care of themselves.
The Office of Papal Charities is the department of the Holy See charged with exercising charity to the poor in the name of the Holy Father.
This tradition goes back to the earliest centuries of the Church. Originally one of the immediate responsibilities of the Deacons, responsibility for the Pope’s charities was later exercised by one or more members of the papal household with no particular hierarchical dignity, which was granted later. A Bull of Innocent III (1198-1216) mentions the post of Almoner as already in existence. The first Pope to organize the Office of Papal Charities was Blessed Gregory X (1271-1276), who set down the duties of the Almoner. .
The Almoner of His Holiness is currently Mons. Konrad Krajewski, he has been named Archbishop and is part of the Papal Household, and as such takes part in liturgical celebrations and to the audiences of the Holy Father.
The Foundation has contributed to the creation of special environments for personal daily hygiene situated in the Loggia of St. Peter’s Square in Rome and made available to the homeless of the city for free 7 days out of 7 .
The showers, the bathrooms and the barber service are carried out by volunteers from various nonprofit organizations.
Development of special areas for the homeless decency under the colonnade of St. Peter and in other Parishes in Rome
More and more people because of the economic crisis of the last years have found themselves living on the street or in makeshift places. At their disposal there are canteen services and reception but no service for personal care. Often if they simply want to buy or eat a meal within public or proposed places, they run the risk to be rejected because of their poor hygiene or cleanliness. For this reason was born the idea of offering them, free of charge, services of shower and shaving in order to ensure the physical and moral integrity of the person.
“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.
LocalitàVatican City - Rome COMPLETED PROJECT
Project status:,