Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries
Fondation St. Luc – Haiti
ABF has covered the costs of recovery and renovation of a building located in Soleil 17, one of the largest slums in Port-au-Prince, in order to provide free basic literacy, catechesis, art and civics, to all those who do not have access to education and vocational training in this community. This centre, delivered to Fondation St Luc in February 2018, will welcome a minimum of 500 children and adults per year, and will support skills training, so that they have better chances to provide for themselves.
Located just outside the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, Cité Soleil is one of the poorest and most densely populated areas in the country. In the slum there are few school facilities, and only a few medical clinics. Shops and businesses are also rare. The conditions of life and sanitation are precarious, especially after the earthquake of 2010 that destroyed the few pipelines, as well as many of the wells that are still dry.
“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.
LocalitàCité Soleil - Haiti COMPLETED PROJECT
Project status:,