

Number of inhabitants in the area


Number of children involved


Number of employees


Number of teachers


Number of indirect beneficiaries

The new facility will accommodate up to 400 children from the poorest families who cannot afford paying any school fee.


Turning St. Raphael street school in real structure functional and safe, equipped with updated learning programs, training programs for teachers, appropriate teaching materials, library, computer lab, canteen. All this to raise the level of education to the one of national and international standards.

Project details


The St. Luc Foundation is a Haitian, nonprofit, Catholic foundation dedicated to education, healthcare, community development, agricultural investment and emergency relief programs, whose activities impact up to 90.000 people a year. Founded by Father Rick Frechette CP, an American priest and physician, and developed and expanded under the leadership of Jean Nebez Augustin, the foundation is the fruit of more than 26 years of experience of working in Haiti.

Special emphasis is placed on working with young Haitians, many of them raised in the orphanages of Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs, sharing with them a vision of the development of Haiti based on hard work, integrity, Christian values, and the insights elicited from the young Haitians themselves.

The programs of the Saint Luc Foundation employ over 1,000 people.


After reaching the objective of stabilization of the number of students and recognition of the school as point of reference for the communities, the Foundation has decided to convert the basic structures of the 3 schools in adequate facilities to accommodate students and put them in the best conditions to live the school experience. At the same time, the Foundation has involved the students’ parents by offering most of them work in the construction of the new facilities. Since 2013 the Foundation has adopted the schools of St. Philomene, Notre Dame du Rosaire and St. Augustin, providing continuity to the structures with the project Wheat to cover the costs of salaries and insurance. Thanks to this, the number of students has stabilized and the community has recognized in the school a point of reference. This has allowed the conversion from “street schools” to real schools.


The Foundation with the first step of EDU project has achieved:

  • Construction of the school St Philomene in Kenscoff.
  • Construction of the school St. Augustin in Abricot.
  • Purchase of the land and construction of the school Notre Dame du Rosaire in Croix des Bouquets.

The Foundation with this new step of EDU project will buy a proper acreage and convert in a safe and structured building the street school of St. Raphael, Jacmel.


The St. Raphael school is located in De Varenne Grand Riviere, in Jacmel in the south Haiti. It takes 3 hours driving from Port-au-Prince and 2 hours and half of walking to get there. Also De Varenne is a remote area like all other areas of the province where they practice mainly agriculture and animal husbandry. The school structure where the activities take place was established in 2014. The spaces and the basic structure build by the parents of the students with wood and stones host nowadays 250 students. Classes are organized into age groups and according to their learning program: kindergarten, primary and a class of secondary. With the new building the students number will increase to 400.


“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

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