
Universities, Researchers, NonProfit Organizations, Public Opinion


  • Start the Foundation’s work in Italy and create a comparison in terms of fighting poverty in order to better focus its action.


University of Pisa – Scuola Superiore Sant’anna – University o f Florence Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Jameel Poverty Action Lab


The Nobel Peace Prize Muhammad Yunus, the Indian renowned researcher and economist Abhijit Banerjee and the expert in Development Economics Eliana La Ferrara: these are the speakers that the Foundation requested to come on July 12th 2012 and start the activities of the program Break the Barriers, whose aim is to promote and support projects against poverty in Italy and in the Countries of the Developing World.
Muhammed Yunus the “banker of the poor” and Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006, was the guest of honor. The founder of the Grameen Bank and creator of microcredit that, with courage and determination, has spread around the world this form of economic and social promotion in support of the poorest populations is also a member of the Foundation’s Advisory Board.
During the same workshop, also spoke, on the issues of poverty, some of the partners who work with the Foundation for the identification of projects to be supported: the Indian economist Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, director and co-founder of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab whose text “PoorEconomics” has been chosen as best economic book of the year by the “Financial Times” and Eliana La Ferrara, Professor of Development Economics, at Bocconi University in Milan, another member of the Advisory Board.


The Foundation after 6 months of activity felt the need to create an opportunity for dialogue on the issue of poverty in the will to understand and spread in turn the activity of some of the world leaders operating in this area

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