

Number of children involved every year

11year olds

Age group involved: 0-11 year olds


Number of teachers and educators


Number of facilities involved


  • Offer suitable conditions so that each child can develop their talent.
  • Offer the appropriate musical instruments to allow the children to fully master the musical language.
  • Offer an innovative resource for designing musical education experiences that are integrated within the broader planning carried out by the center;( non a capo ma continua).
  • To provide significant support to the areas, which find themselves facing demographic and environmental challenges every day.
  • Coordination, research and training.

Project details


The “Sandro Pertini” School in Capannoli (PI) and the “Mons. Paoletti” School in Pieve Torina (MC)
Municipality of Lajatico and Municipality of Muccia.


  • Complete, enrich and furnish the Music and Art Workshops.
  • Incorporate and support a music atelierista.
  • Enhance the initiatives offered via ABF’s pedagogical coordinator.


According to the philosophy of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, a school is not merely a safe and functional building where learning takes place, but rather a point of connection for the entire area, a place to be inhabited and experienced and where share stories and emotions can be shared by creating the conditions in which new relationships, learning and skills can emerge and be acquired and consolidated.

To this end, the Art & Music Labs project includes the integration of the figure of the atelierista within the educational staff, in addition to expanding and maintaining the laboratory spaces. At the base of this is the awareness that it is the natural tendency of children to share images, thoughts and emotions though communicative means based on complex forms, which must be supported through relational and spatial environments that are rich and compelling in terms of opportunities for exploration, building and sharing. It is within this framework that the atelierista designs experiences that are then incorporated within the overall teaching plan prepared by the teachers, sharing the meanings and results that emerge. The atelierista works alongside a pedagogical coordinator, who supports the integration of their activities within the educational and teaching activities at the center.


The 2020 ISTAT Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being Report confirms that, in Italy, we are still not able to offer all young people the same opportunities for an adequate education, despite the improvements achieved in the last decade. In particular, the level of education and skills that young people manage to achieve still depends, to a large extent, on their social background, socio-economic context and the area in which they live.


“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

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