Municipality of Florence, Department of Youth Policies Municipality of Florence, Department for Public Instruction Municipality of Florence, Schools in the territory of the Region of Tuscany, Regional Education Office of Tuscany
GlobaLab is an empowerment programme aimed at young people between the age of 16 and 25 in the two segments 16-19 and 19-25. The basis is a proposal for scholastic, vocational and professional orientation which is rooted in a deep bond between the quality of individual existence and the need to enhance and strengthen opportunities for relationships, experimentation and reflection that focus on research, the discovery and care of one’s own talents and intelligence as well as that of others.
The Globalab programme has 3 main axes:
Axis 1: Projects aimed at educational institutions, complementing curricular education
Axis 2: Projects aimed directly at young people aged between 16 and 19
Axis 3: Training events for young people and teachers
Transversal to these axes is the creation of a Youth Committee for San Firenze: a place for the active participation of the girls and boys involved in the projects, aimed at redesigning the interventions for the following years.
Creating the right conditions to guarantee young students:
U.M | Indicatori di performance | |
Potential direct beneficiaries | no. | 80,000* approx. |
Potential indirect beneficiaries | no. | 250,000 approx. |
Degree of innovation | n/a | Innovative approach to school, vocational and career guidance; Modelling a method for assessing the transversal, social, emotional and relational skills acquired |
* Population aged 16-25 years resident in the Metropolitan City of Florence
Stage 1: Identification on the basis of needs analysis, stakeholder mapping and partner assessment, with subsequent feasibility* project;
Stage 2: Design undertaken by the in-house Team involving recipients, beneficiaries and local partners in co-design activities;
Stage 3: Execution directly by ABF mandated personnel, or in partnership with local organisations supervised by the ABF team through structured and standardised forms of monitoring and evaluation;
Stage 4: Evaluation using the indicators defined in the design stage;
Stage 5: Monthly narrative and four-monthly financial reporting.
* The context analysis required to identify the needs of potential beneficiaries and the actions to be undertaken includes a preliminary study and in-depth analysis on:
· 2030 Agenda as a framework for project guidance;
· OECD and WHO indicators for measuring transversal skills, soft-skills and socio-emotional skills;
· (It.) Ministerial Decree no. 774 of 4 September 2019 “Guidelines for transversal skills and orientation pathways”
The possibility for a young person to discover his or her personal inclinations and talents and to learn transversal, but also emotional, growth tools activates the acquisition of self-awareness and thus the ability to make conscious and mature choices in one’s present and future with repercussions in terms of improving one’s relationships and potentially making oneself a leader in one’s community or a creator of new development contexts.
For a teacher, the possibility of participating in development and education constitutes an opportunity to improve one’s own educational and training skills, which will take the form of the ability to support their students even better in their training and recognition of their talents.
During the year 2023, a new impact assessment model was used to measure the skills acquired and the participants’ perception of the project’s effectiveness through a system of ex-ante and ex-post monitoring and measurement to document the development profiles of specific skill areas. This model was applied in the Barriers project (AXIS 1), ABF Talent4You (AXIS 2).
“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.
LocalitàTuscany - Italy ONGOING PROJECT
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