Inhabitants of the community
Families directly involved
Numero di studenti coinvolti in Abricot
The St. Luc Foundation is a Haitian, nonprofit, Catholic foundation dedicated to education, healthcare, community development, agricultural investment and emergency relief programs, whose activities impact up to 90.000 people a year. Founded by Father Rick Frechette CP, an American priest and physician, and developed and expanded under the leadership of Jean Nebez Augustin, the foundation is the fruit of more than 26 years of experience of working in Haiti.
Special emphasis is placed on working with young Haitians, many of them raised in the orphanages of Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs, sharing with them a vision of the development of Haiti based on hard work, integrity, Christian values, and the insights elicited from the young Haitians themselves. The programs of the Saint Luc Foundation employ over 1,000 people.
Starting from schools carry out projects that go beyond their walls to reach the most marginalized and needy families of the community.
The objective of the project is to start building a real village for the community where for everybody there is the possibility to live a decent life.
The first action of the project is to transform the schools built with EDU in a real center of encounter for the community, a place where there is electricity, drinking water, internet connection.
The second action concerns the possibility for all the families of the students to have light through the distribution of solar energy lamps that allow both to be able to study after sunset, and to lengthen the hours of family life.
The third activity concerns the implementation, in the three areas, of the agricultural activity, in order to make it become a source of livelihood for the community.
With the last action we will try to give decent housing to the families of the students most in need of the community, through interventions of construction or renovation of the houses.
Thanks to the project 3.COM the schools and communities will benefit of:
Abricot is a villlage located at 2 hours drive from Jeremie, about 9 from the capital. To reach these places is very difficult for the total lack of infrastructures and roads. The main livelihood of the families who live there are agriculture and fishing. These activities are carried out randomly and do not provide appropriate quantities for sustenance.
Kenscoff, is situated in a mountain area at about 2 hours drive from Port au Prince. Also here the few economic activities such as agriculture are carried out at a family level and intended for mere sustenance.
Croix du Bouquet is the artists’ quarter of the city of Port au Prince. In this neighborhood many families are engaged in the production of items called “Fer Forgé” (wrought iron) which they get from recycling diesel oil barrels.
“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.
Project sheetScheda ProgettoProject status:,