News Archive Archive,FEATURED 23 January 202522 January 2025 – Andrea Bocelli Foundation at the World Economic Forum in Davos.The Andrea Bocelli Foundation operates in complex socio-economic contexts, employing educational approaches and tools such as art, music, digital… Archive,FEATURED 23 January 202522 January 2025 – Andrea Bocelli Foundation at the World Economic Forum in Davos.The Andrea Bocelli Foundation operates in complex socio-economic contexts,… Blog 22 November 2024Haiti earthquake: the aftermath and the situation to dateHaiti earthquake: learn about the aftermath on the population, the impact on… Archive,FEATURED 5 November 2024Andrea Bocelli Foundation opens operational office in Muccia, strengthening its commitment to the earthquake-affected areas of Marche in 2016The Bocelli Foundation, which has been active in the Marche region since 2017,… Blog 18 October 2024Worldwide Access to Safe Drinking WaterLearn which countries around the world struggle for access to clean water and… Blog 15 October 2024The Right to Education WorldwideRight to education: causes and consequences of its deprivation and global… Archive,FEATURED 25 September 2024Sforzacosta Celebrates the Inauguration of the ABF 0-11 Educational Hub: Maestro Andrea Bocelli, Albano, and Serena Autieri as Special GuestsMore than a thousand people attended the inauguration ceremony of Lot B of the… Archive,FEATURED 26 July 2024ABF Returns to the Giffoni Film Festival, Presenting the DocuFilm “Linea Sette” with the Remarkable Participation of Magician Andrea Paris and ABF’s Young TalentsThe Andrea Bocelli Foundation – Ente Filantropico (ABF) is thrilled to announce… Archive,FEATURED 5 June 2024The Andrea Bocelli Foundation, partner of Il Sole 24 Ore for the 2024 Trento Festival of EconomicsABF took part for the first time, attesting to its commitment in the field of… Archive,FEATURED 19 April 2024Andrea Bocelli Foundation Interprets the Theme “Materia Natura” at FuoriSalone 2024The Foundation participated in Design Week with a networking event focused on… Archive,FEATURED 22 March 2024The ABF inaugurates the “Maria Manetti Shrem” Educational Center at the Meyer Hospital in Florence with our founder Andrea Bocelli and the italian minister of education Giuseppe Valditara in attendance.The President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, Councilor Sara Funaro, the… Archive,FEATURED 15 March 2024Andrea Bocelli Foundation: a focus on the inauguration of the ABF “Maria Manetti Shrem” Educational CenterThursday, March 21, saw the opening of the educational center designed to… Archive 22 December 2023Founder’s Letter for the HolidaysDearest friends, as the most beautiful Christian holiday of the year draws… Archive,FEATURED 21 December 2023Andrea Bocelli Foundation hosted by permanent mission of Italy to the UNThe Foundation illustrated global projects and approaches to innovation in… Archive,FEATURED 23 November 2023The new school is here: the ZeroSei Preschool Hub has been built by the Andrea Bocelli FoundationHanded over in 150 days, ABF is still working in earthquake-hit areas by… Archive,FEATURED 16 November 2023Our founder Andrea Bocelli was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Naples Federico IIThe Maestro was given a Master's Degree in Social Policies and Services… Archive,FEATURED 12 September 2023ABF GLOBALAB Mediterraneano: the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s educational project lands in JerusalemPartito lo scorso maggio dal Teatro Goldoni di Firenze, il programma con… Archive 27 July 2023Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s new solidarity gifts.Today, July 27, on the occasion of founder Andrea Bocelli's annual concert, ABF… Archive,FEATURED 4 July 2023From today you can download the official APP of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation: MyABF!MyABF, the ABF world is now even closer. Archive,FEATURED 9 June 2023The Italian Ministry of Education and Merit and ABF are renewing the Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of educational projectsThe meeting was attended by Minister Valditara and our Founder Andrea Bocelli,… Archive 5 May 2023Josep Borrell Fontelles visits the ABF to Discuss the Importance of Education in Empowering Youth with Maestro Bocelli and the Organization’s LeadershipHC/VP Borrell Held the Bilateral Meeting alongside ABF and Florence Mayor Dario…