1) At the Teatro del Silenzio your voice simply bewitched the audience: twelve thousand people in love, literally captured by your voice. Well, to tell the truth twelve thousand and one, considering that Maestro Bocelli was deeply impressed by your performance. Did you expect such a warm welcome from this outdoor theater lost in the middle of the Tuscan countryside? It is such an honor to hear that. Thank you!

Every performance have their own story.I tried not to have set expectations.

But I confess that I was already seduce by the genuwine warmth of people in Italy upon my arrival.

When I got to Lajatico saw the setting of the stage on top of the mountains,

the orchestra, the music , the costumes , the artists  I fell instantly in love

This breathtaking  place says so much about the mind behind this creation,

About the team that run and support  it, and the audience which embraced it

your people are amazing your country is magical !

I am forever grateful for this magical expérience!

2) The little voices of Haiti, before the concert celebrated you with contagious enthusiasm, they surrounded you, they wanted to embrace you…Can you tell us the experience out of stage with this small army of compatriots?

(Laughing): This small army of pure light and love.

I believe that we connect instantly because I came from a simular background.

My parents could not afford to send me to music school,music happenned in my life

one miracle at the time.

One scholarship after another helped me become the musicien that I am today

So relate and feel and see the surreal of this opportunity through their eyes,

I tried to boost and encourage them make them laugh

They also knew many songs of my répertoire that I dedicated to children of our country.

It is a spontaneous love affair.


3) And then, on stage, what was it like to sing with them?

I held back my tears.

To see them so beautifully dressed, proud and ready to pounce

fill my heart with pride  and indescriptible joy

This is the « Haiti » That I would love for the entire world to see.

4) Among other things, what you have sung together is a beautiful patriotic song… ‘AyitiCheri’ (HaïtiChérie), it is a declaration of love for your land…Listening to you was a very strong emotion, hardly containable.

It was a perfect choice

Thanks to Dr Gerald Beaubrun who is behind the vision of having the choir and I together.

theses few sentences will help to understand how this was in synchronicity

Haiti my love I had to leave you to understand how much I care for you.

I had to be away to appreciate you more…

In Haiti we are never desesperate we have faith in God who never lie

We leave today ,because tomorrow is incertain.

Oh Haiti! you are SO dear to me »

Needless to say how theses words resonnate in my heart.

We have a beautiful country falling appart, to which we are deeply attached

This song triggers and accentuate  theses émotions …and how badly we need that change.

5) In your brief greetings before your performance, in front of the audience, you mentioned a fundamental value, dignity …It should be a sine qua non, for every solidarity project, for every philanthropic and co operational activity. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. How bad is it, in your opinion, a help structured on a pietistic message?

I believe that dignity is a must in the act of giving.

The person that is receiving  need to know that they are whorty of your respects

They are not less of a person because of their actual situation.

The sentiment and intention  behind the gift is key.

Most of the time I witness the inverse ,where it is  the « business of giving, «  taxes justification,

Only when your heart is truly invested in your action that you can touch and Change life!

I love this proverbe: Give a fish and you feed him for a day,

teach a man to fish ,and you feed him for a lifetime.

From what I witnessed theses children are receving the best gift ever

« the spirit of possibility »  which is priceless!

6) The musical project conceived by ABF in partnership with Saint Luc has given birth to this choir. We believe that – being you an artist – you should be favorable to this educational line and that you will surely agree on music (and making music together) training capability at 360°…In your opinion are there counter indications, in showing such different realities to Haitian children and teen-agers (many of whom come from situations of extreme poverty)? Is it a plus value to reach awareness of what can be done in their country, or is it something potentially devious that might generate frustration (or even worse desire of escape)?mple

In my opinion being expose to so much early on is a plus value.

To raise proud ,knowledgeable, self sufficient individuals can only enlarge their visions

and prospects ,enable them to be more and do more and  help brake the cycle

Of course their will be some exceptions…

But I believe that this is a winning combinaison ,music being a powerful  transcendant force

7) In the world you are considered “the voice of Haiti” and we cannot but agree that your vocal, eclectic and charismatic voice is a powerf.ul metaphor of the Caribbean country, of your extraordinary energy, of the enchantment you exert on those who deepen their knowledge. Do you recognize yourself in this definition? How strong are the roots, musical and personal, that bind you to your country of origin?

Merci! I am sincerely touched by this compliment!

It is a fact that  our culture , our spirit ,music and dances are for me a constant source of inspiration.

I grew up on the countryside where the rooster is our clook.

Grand’ma’s grilling  coffee with brown suggar invading the air will pull you out of bed.

Where we bathe shameless half naked in the river behind the huts.

The nights are fragrants  and we indulge in storytelling with the full moon hanging high in the skies.

We roast the sweet  corn of August in a circle around the campfire.

poetry is surrounding you…(Laughing) I should stop!

My héritage strong , rich and undeniable it is in my blood

This is also  why am regularly in Haiti to do master classes, writers workshops,

with the new génération of musiciens I hope we can preserve the uniqueness and beauty

of our Island.

8) How do you see the future of your country?

At this point it is very confusing

The constant political turmoil …natural dessaler makes it difficult to progress

one step forward two steps backward

while the needs continue  to are multiply ..I its hard to project!

I figure i will keep doing  my part with what is given to me ,meanwhile we are all in need of that change.

9) It is not the first time that you have sung in Italy. How do you evaluate the experiences that you have had in Andrea Bocelli’s nation? What feelings? Which points of contact (if you have found any) with the Caribbean spirit?

The Andrea Bocelli’s Nation is professional, warm and welcoming


The commun points with the carribean spirit and habits (Haiti specifically)

We are very passionnante people.

we both have and love great food and good coffee

We have a viscéral sense of humor and « Joie de vivre «

and we are both are not afraid of hugs.

10) And Lajatico, this small country village where Andrea was born (and where also the Andrea Bocelli Foundation was born) what did it inspire to you?

I left Lajatico inspired.

Understanding that the story should always be bigger than you.

I saw outpour of admiration love and respect all around  for the mission.

I am also from a small town in Haiti « Gonaives »

when I was a child  reading had me travelling places unknown,

Reading had me dream big

for the longest I dreamt to build a huge Library downtown Gonaives

to create a space where children to comme wonder ,discover ,

After visiting Llajatico I caught the fire and want to make it happen !

so …………. to be continued…In Cha’allah!

11) In addition to being a singer, you also compose. It would be nice to imagine your voice, along with Andrea’s voice and those of ABF choir, in a song.

Words are powerful! Indeed what a great vision!

Maestro Bocelli carries his heart in his voice

To honor the such a charismatique instrument and iconic  figure

would be a thrill and a distinctive honor…

Since there is no coïncidence …only appointment in time

Yes!  May it be.

And may God bless us with more sharing and more collaboration.