
Once again this year, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation is joining GivingTuesday, the World Day of Giving, an event that began in 2012 and has grown into a truly global movement that inspires millions of people to donate and collaborate to build a more just and supportive world.

On Nov. 29, with the initiative’s motto “every act of generosity counts,” people from all over the world will be able to show their generosity in many ways: by helping a neighbor in need, supporting a cause or donating to carry out a project.

Since 2011, ABF has been guaranteeing access to quality, equitable and inclusive education to more than 3,500 students in educational projects in Italy and around the world. Thanks to the ABF Digital Lab project, educational continuity is also guaranteed to the girls and boys who attend the hospital-based schools in the AOPI member network.

The ABF Digital Lab is based on 3 key elements: the “ABF TeachBus” library of tablets and notebooks, the “ABF Educational” online platform with a rich selection of educational tools, and the Digital Atelierista who specializes in new technologies for education to support hospital school teachers. In the 2021-2022 school year, about 17,000 hospitalized students were beneficiaries of enhanced educational intervention through the intervention of the Digital Atelierista.

For more information about Givingtuesday visit the official GivingTuesday Italy page.