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Giving Tuesday 2020, the day of global giving, is an event that brings together people, non-profit associations, and institutions with the shared goal of creating a more generous and charitable world.

The Andrea Bocelli Foundation has decided to take part in Giving Tuesday for the fourth year running, on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, with the project “With You, to Shape the Future!” to promote the use of new technologies for distance learning.

The project – which represents a significant innovation in terms of promoting new technologies for educational innovation – aims to create and maintain the conditions that make the devices real tools that support, supplement and enrich learning processes.

The aims of the objectives of the project are as follows:

  • Provide the ABF TeachBus: device (notebooks and tablets) libraries capable of, first and foremost, guaranteeing that the children involved are able to maintain their relationships with their schoolmates, teachers and atelieristas. Every device will be handed over already customized with all the content and apps – which have been carefully chosen on the basis of their age group also – and will go back to the digital library ready to be reassigned, once their program of study has finished.
  • Offer the ABF Online-Labs platform: an online platform for the ABF Labs that will provide access to a vast selection of educational content.
  • Integrate, train and coordinate the digital atelierista: a 4.0 librarian specializing in the use of new educational technologies who, collaborating with the ABF working group, will promote new and transversal perspectives on the use of technological tools for children, thereby supporting teachers and families in how to best use these devices.

The beneficiaries of the project are the students of ABF’s schools in Italy and the young admitted patients or day-hospital attendees at one of the 13 children’s hospitals of the Italian Pediatric Hospitals Association (AOPI) network, who attend the Hospital Schools.

With You to shape the future!

You can donate from abroad via bank transfer using the following details: IBAN IT53K0523271030000010016699 Reference: With You, to Shape the Future or by sending an email to

Giving Tuesday Italy organized by the Italian Fundraising Association (AIRF) continues to be a day to remember how lovely it is to give: we’re putting a date in the calendar for December 1, 2020 and we’re repeating the day’s official motto: “With a gift you can unite the world!”