Break the Barriers

“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
ABF Educational Hub 0-11 of Sforzacosta
The pilot project to realise the first space exclusively designed and aimed at education within…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF GlobaLab New Spaces
The renovation project of the San Firenze building is an operational condition for the development…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF GlobaLab Med
The key theme of the ABF GlobaLab Med is communication, with a particular focus on the role of non-…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
ABF “Maria Manetti Shrem“ Educational Center
The pilot project to realise the first space exclusively designed and aimed at education within…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Reconstruction of the 0-6 School of Sforzacosta (MC)
The fifth intervention in the 2016 earthquake areas, ABF’s intervention took place at Sforzacosta,…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Within the context of this agreement, GlobaLab is an empowerment programme aimed at young people…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Masterclass – Music Academy “Franco Corelli” in Camerino
After the construction of the “Giacomo Leopardi” school in Sarnano, and of the primary school in…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
ABF for Covid-19 emergency
When the Coronavirus emergency started to spread in Italy, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation was…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Rebuilding the San Ginesio vocational school for industry and craftsmanship
After rebuilding the “G. Leopardi” Middle School in Sarnano, the “E. De Amicis” School Complex in…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF DIGITAL LAB Project – ABF for educational innovation
Since 2019 ABF has been implementing the Art & Music Labs projects – centered around the expressive…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF H-LABS Project – ABF for Hospital Schools
The ABF H-LABS Project incorporates and implements the intervention models that were trialed in the…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Reconstruction of Accademia Musicale of Camerino – Central Italy Earthquake Intervention
After building the ‘Giacomo Leopardi’ school in Sarnano and the pre-school and elementary school in…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Art & Music Labs Project
The Andrea Bocelli Foundation (ABF) has welcomed the “Zerosei Alessandro Bocelli Center” in…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF A-R Music Curriculum
The experimental Research-Action “ABF Music Curriculum A-R Project” aims to initiate a process of…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Rebuilding Muccia pre-school and elementary school – Project Following on from the Central Italy Earthquake
After building the ‘Giacomo Leopardi’ school in Sarnano, in the province of Macerata, inaugurated…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Rebuilding the Sarnano School – Center Italy earthquake emergency
The Andrea Bocelli Foundation and the Only The Brave Foundation, united in their desire to carry…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF W.H.E.A.T. – Haiti
In a context such as Haiti, the role played by school becomes fundamental: safe places where…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Voices of
The programme aims at enhancing the psychosocial support of disadvantaged children who live in…
Community Development,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Empowering Health-Care professions
With this project, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation decided to support Haitian doctors in the path to…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Emilia and Tuscany flood emergency
ABF supported the populations affected by the floods in Emilia-Romagna in May and Tuscany in…
Basic Necessities,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Supporting the ukrainian population
Providing basic necessities is the first form of aid for people fleeing war and deprivation. ABF…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
EDU Project – Guest House in Haiti
Through the EDU project, the Andrea Bocelli foundation has achieved the construction of 3 Guest…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – Vocational Centre ABF – Fondation St.Luc in Citè Soleil
ABF has covered the costs of recovery and renovation of a building located in Soleil 17, one of the…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Summer Camp Project
After inaugurating the new “E. De Amicis” school complex, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation opened the…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
ABF “Let’s play…Music together” Music Festival
The G. Leopardi Comprehensive Middle School in Sarnano and the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, one year…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Scholarship Project – Royal College of Music
Thanks to the joint contribution of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation and the Community Jameel, the…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Erci-EDU Elpida
ERCI-Edu is a pilot migrant and refugee integration project housed by Elpida and implemented by…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Haiti Emergency Project – Hurricane Matthew
ABF has started an initiative to collect the funds needed to buy food supplies and a basic…
Education and Training,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
Music Project – “Voices of Haiti”
Being perfectly aware that art, and music in particular, have the ability to convey concepts such…
Community Development,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
W.H.E.A.T Project 2014 – 2015
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world, among the last in the world rankings for the…
Community Development,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Water Truck
Since 2013, the Foundation has supported a tanker truck that distributes water in the slums of Cité…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – St Raphael
The St. Raphael school is located in De Varenne Grand Riviere, in Jacmel in the south Haiti. It…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – Manitane Dame Marie
After reaching the objective of stabilization of the number of students and recognition of the…
Community Development,Break The Barriers,Ongoing Projects
ABF Mobile Clinic Project
The project will cover all students from 2 to 24 years, divided by category of age and classes and…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
HIV Program – St.Damien Pediatric Hospital
The Foundation since January 2015 has been supporting the HIV program of the Hospital helping to…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – Notre Dame Du Rosaire
After reaching the objective of stabilization of the number of students and recognition of the…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – Saint Augustin
After reaching the objective of stabilization of the number of students and recognition of the…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
EDU Project – Saint Philomene School
After reaching the objective of stabilization of the number of students and recognition of the…
Community Development,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
3.COM Project
Starting from schools carry out projects that go beyond their walls to reach the most marginalized…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Showers for the homeless in San Pietro Square
The Foundation has contributed to the creation of special environments for personal daily hygiene…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Emergency Iraq
The Foundation, thanks to the relationship with UNHCR (United Nations Agency for Refugees), has…
Basic Necessities,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Emergency Syria
The Foundation, thanks to the relationship with UNHCR (United Nations Agency for Refugees), has…
Community Development,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
W.H.E.A.T Project 2013 – 2014
The St. Luc Foundation is a Haitian organization that offers education, medical care and dignity to…
Education and Training,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Project La Lucciola Onlus
The earthquake of 2012 in Emilia Romagna made unusable the place where the rehabilitation center…
Community Development,Completed Projects,Break The Barriers
Virginia Project
The Foundation has decided to support for one year (June 2012 – June 2013) the Department of…