We are honored to receive the invaluable support of Community Jameel for our current efforts in the fight against Italy’s Covid-19 emergency through the Andrea Bocelli Foundation.
ABF believes that health and dignity are the basis for empowerment and the expression of the full self. And so, today, we have mobilized our teams to implement a crowdfunding campaign that aims to concretely help hospitals and medical professionals with much needed supplies.
Thanks to the collaboration and support of Community Jameel, we will be able to provide even more support to the assisted Covid centers, in particular to realize the new Covid Department situated in Macerata, Marche region, one of the most affected regions in Italy.
With over 120,000 cases to-date and rising, the national healthcare system is overwhelmed and in dire need of supplies for medical workers on the front lines.
Community Jameel is working with partners around the world to tackle COVID-19, including through the Jameel Institute at Imperial College London, and the Jameel Clinic at MIT.