5 years, 1.825 days, each one of these important and unique.
Ours is a journey and like any journey, it is essential to know the destination, the goal we want to achieve, but at the same time the journey, the way in which we travel, the people we meet along the way and the relationships we weave are also important.
This is because it is actually the journey which teaches us the best possible way to get there, and enriches us while we walk. I therefore like to look at this moment, in these first five years, like a stage, which marks an important moment in our history, from today we feel larger and more aware to be able to accept new and important challenges.
We would like therefore to extend our renewed thanks to our Founder, Andrea, to Veronica, to their family, to all the volunteers, the Advisory Board members, employees and everyone, to all our friends because if each of the steps ABF has taken has made the realisation of our projects possible it is because of the contribution and support made by everyone.